
Thursday, September 29, 2016

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow

Fall has arrived in thunderstorms, flurries of yellow leaves, and adventures in parenting.  My eldest is starting kindergarten, and he's now successfully and dutifully taking the bus each morning and returning mid afternoon like children have been doing for ages. 

September has always seemed more like the beginning of a year than January ever did. With a larder filled with caning and a root cellar full of apples, and squashes and potatoes.  Children go off to school and one settles in for semi hibernation of chill breezes, dank drafts, slippers, sweaters and indoors.   

However amidst the bedding down for the long winter's nap we cannot lose sight of spring.  As Audrey Hepburn once said - "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."   and with that in mind I would like to share with the few folks out in blog land who read my posts, that seed packets have been painted, proofs have been approved, and seed has been sourced.  In time for Christmas I will be offering a line of seed packets, these will have seed collected in 2016 and be fresh for the 2017 planting season.  These have been a long time coming and I'm quite excited by the news!