
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


So I don’t exactly have a fabric line – but I’ve taken my paintings, I’ve done my best using the incredibly complicated photoshop to create a repeat pattern without any hard lines.  I’ve tweaked, and played and soon I hope I’ll have 6 prints available for sale at

What? You want a look at them…  ok.  Here is the link.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Step forth into the darkness

Step forth into the darkness – of fall and of winter.  The Darkness has returned.  It does every year, but every year I have to go through a period of adjustments as I learn to start the day without light.  Perhaps it is a figment of my imagination, but I resist waking in the darkness, and crave the comforts of my little night time nest for longer during the winter.  Whatever it is, my habit of going to bed has little changed, but I find it harder and harder to wake in the darkness.  The artificial incandescent lights seem harsh and I squint as I flick the switch and begin the day.   Sometimes I just go about my early morning routine in the darkness,  only to later find out that I have toothpaste dibbled on the front of my shirt….

The other thing that comes with winter is rain, and mud and all out wetness.  My exuberant black lab might be three now and in theory an adult dog,  she is however often cooped up in the laundry room when we are at work, and has excess energy to burn.  Once I would let her run down by the waterfront, next to the train tracks, frolicking in the ocean, and playing in the mud and ice covered potholes along the  frontage road.   The rail company has since shut down access to the area and no longer can we wander next to the sea. The alternative for letting her run free is a home made dog park of sorts,  an old but small baseball field full of sedge grass, where the locals have patched the holes in the fence and made it their own. 

Over Sized Rodent....  ©RiverWalker Arts
Chicken Little was asleep by 7pm and I took the 75 pounds of oversized black rodent to the “dog park”  and let her loose….   I waded it after her…. Yes waded.  Into a mucky swamp.  2, 3, 4 inches of water covered thick oozing mud.  My boots squelched as I gingerly made my way into the yard, hoping I didn’t step in a hole and break my ankle.   We played fetch in the dog park come pond, in the dark.  It is however hard to find a half submerged mud soaked tennis ball in the dark, even with my head lamp on.   And although I had to give my dog a full bath when we arrived home I did manage to ensure she’d had a chance to run, and burn off some of that excess energy. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One of those perfect autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.

The sun has lingered late into the fall.  Don’t get me wrong we have had some torrential rain too,  but we have also revelled in blue sky in the afternoons once the fog has dissipated.  

Thick beads of frozen dew melt and give way to glistening droplets in the mid-day light.  People are out walking, playing in the parks and taking in the last of the warmth, the last of the light, and the vestiges of dryness before they hunker down for a season of darkness, dampness and cold.  

DH doing what he loves best 
© Arianne Loranger-Saindon 
We rarely have a fall that makes one feel like kicking leaves, and putting out the cornucopia of decorative gourds brilliantly coloured with yellow, oranges and red. While typically my I would never put out a wreath – I get enough exercise peeling my door mat off the side of the house and  chasing my garbage can as it rolls down the street in the howling winds and the down pouring rain, not to mention climbing trees looking for the garbage can lid.  So with the novelty of a “real” fall I’ve been inspired to crafting.  I’ve been making little pumpkins out of felting wool.  They are cute, fun and easy. 
Check it out!

My Little Felted Pumpkin.

Aside from evening crafting projects the family also managed to get out to the “bar.”  A stretch of gravel where the fishermen go to catch salmon making their way upriver.  A beautiful spot where you can light a fire, roast a hot-dog or a marshmallow,  and enjoy the day.  I invited everyone.  In the end there were 6 kids, 3 dogs, 2 kites and several dozen hot-dogs.  The sun shone, the smiles came out and all slept well that night. 
taking full advantage of the October sun
© Arianne Loranger-Saindon 

There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind. ~Annie Dillard

Thursday, October 4, 2012

let's add crafting...

So that my friends marks the end of September.  Chicken Little has survived his first 4 weeks of Day Care, and seems to have adjusted well enough.  After much stress and concern on my part, I’ve found a place for Chicken Little that I’m very happy with.  A lovely lady who has her own two children, and has chosen to take on 2 additional children.  All in all she finds her days filled with 4 small children 3 and under…  she showers them with love and Chicken Little has even come home with his very first art project.

My art projects have been stymied by the presence of a uniformly beige cubicle wherein I spend some 40 odd hours a week toiling away with visions of shrimp and candle fish floating in my head.  I have however recently finished the 3rd painting towards my Dutch Lullaby project.   All in all I hope to complete 15-20 paintings to complete a my children’s book project.

Here is a sneak peek at a recent image for this book:

I’m also in full swing, making preparations for the local craft fair which takes place in mid-November.  (You will stop by won’t you?)  I’m looking forward to it, as I will be showcasing some new stuff… 

But as if I were not busy enough I have decided to take on a NEW craft.  Felting.  I’ve ordered some supplies, and raided the local thrift shop.  I’m going to start with Dryer Balls.  You read that right… felted wool dryer balls… the purpose of which is to… Shorten drying time… Reduce static…, Soften and fluff your laundry gently, Use in place of dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener and besides if they are ugly  - who cares because they will be living in the dryer.  Of course if I manage to master the basics of dryer balls I do seriously want to try to make Christmas ornaments… including pumpkins, strawberries, and other mostly round things. While at the same time trying to keep my house from smelling like a wet sheep.
I can not ever imagine being bored.  I can not ever imagine having enough time to do all the things I want to do.

Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful, or to discover something that is true.  ~william Inge